If you need something to read when the road gets bumpy from time to time, here is a verse I picked up somewhere that helps me refocus on life. You can keep it handy for those times when a word or two of cheering up is exactly what you need to put you back on track.

Just For Today
I will live through the next
12 hours and not try to tackle
All of life's problems at once

I will improve my mind.
I will learn something useful.
I will learn something that requires
effort, thought and concentration.

I will be agreeable. I will look
my best, speak in a well-modulated
voice, be courteous and considerate.

I will not find fault with friend,
relative or colleague. I will not
try to change or improve anyone
but myself.

I will have a program. I might not
Follow it exactly, but I will have it.
I will save myself from two enemies,
hurry and indecision.

I will do a good turn and keep
it a secret. If anyone finds out,
it won't count.

I will do two things I don't want to do
just for the exercise.

I will believe in myself. I will
give my best to the world and feel
confident that the world will give
its best to me.
~ Author Unknown

A local best selling author, Bob Nelson the founder of Nelson Motivation, Inc., has authored at least three best selling books. The first is 1001 Ways to Energize Employees, another is, 1001 Ways to Take Initiative at Work and the last one is 1001 Ways to Reward Employees. All three are great. Short, quick examples and lessons are culled from hundreds of interviews and examples across corporate America. Here are a few tidbits that I've collected from various sources that I'd like to offer up as food for thought:

–Follow your bliss, and what looks like walls will turn into doors. ~ Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth.
–A man is not finished when he's defeated; he's finished when he quits. ~ President, Richard Nixon.
–Treat people as though they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of being. ~ Goethe.
–The most motivating thing one person can do for another is to listen. ~ Roy Moody, President of Roy Moody & Associates.
–Rule No. 1: Use your good judgment in all situations. There will be no additional rules. ~ Nordstrom Department Stores.

Just remember: when you quit learning, you quit earning. Always keep in mind that there is a huge difference between "need" and "greed". Do the right thing and the right thing will be done for you.
