These updates have been written in conjunction with our Public Policy Guide.

S.2287 (SENATOR SNOWE; R-ME) Increase and permanently extend the expensing of certain depreciable business assets for small businesses. Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) increase the expensing allowance for depreciable business property from $100,000 to $200,000; (2) make such allowance permanent; (3) increase to $800,000 the asset cost threshold for calculating reductions in such allowance; (4) allow an annual inflation adjustment to the expensing allowance and the threshold amount after 2007; and (5) allow a taxpayer to revoke an election to expense such business property without the prior consent of the Secretary of the Treasury.
Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance

S.1066 (SENATOR VOINOVICH; R-OH) Economic Development Tax Incentives.
This bill to authorizes' States and subdivisions thereof, the District of Columbia, all territories and possessions of the United States to provide certain tax incentives to any person for economic development purposes.
Status: Read twice and referred to the US Senate Committee on Finance

SB 840 (Kuehl; D- San Diego) Single-payer health care coverage. Government-run health care – Imposes a government-run health care system on all Californians.
Status: Re-referred to Senate Rules Committee.

SB 109 (ORTIZ; D- Sacramento) Excessive litigation – Increases litigation costs and potential lawsuits by allowing for both civil and criminal penalties for specified air quality violations.
Status: 01/11/2006 Assembly reconsideration file
