Nearly twice as many children die from congenital heart disease in the United States each year as die from all forms of childhood cancers combined, according to the American Heart Association.
Locally, an all-volunteer group is working to help heal children's hearts by raising funds for, and awareness of, congenital heart defects. Children's Heart Institute Fund, known as CHIfund, serves the families of pediatric heart patients at the Children's Heart Institute at Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego.
CHIfund operates under the nonprofit status of the Rady Children's Hospital Foundation. The funds raised are used to purchase equipment for the cardiology department, as well as to fund research that is vital to the understanding and treatment of congenital heart defects.
“Nearly 35,000 babies are born each year with a congenital heart defect,” said Wendy Robinson, chairwoman of CHIfund. “The financial and emotional impact on a family can be overwhelming.”
The Carlsbad Business Journal sat down with Robinson to talk more about the charity and its work to ensure that lifesaving surgeries and the highest quality of care are available to the littlest hearts of San Diego.
CBJ: When was the organization founded and what was the inspiration behind it?
Robinson: CHIfund was started in 2004 by a group of “heart moms” who wanted to give back to the physicians and staff who had done so much for their children while they were undergoing surgery and treatment. Since that time, the group has evolved into an active, growing volunteer organization. I personally became involved when my son, Chase, was diagnosed with three heart defects in 2005.
CBJ: How many people has the organization helped since it was established?
Robinson: The cardiology department at Rady Children's averages more than 9,000 outpatient visits and nearly 400 heart surgeries per year. To date, we've raised more than $500,000 in goods, services and donations. Our funds have been used to purchase digital holter monitors, an echocardiograph reading station, cardiac ultrasound, NIRS monitors and a technological upgrade to the cardiac surgery auditorium, just to name a few. We have also given nearly $50,000 for groundbreaking research here in San Diego. What we have been able to donate has touched thousands and thousands of lives in just a few short years.
CBJ: How does CHIfund differ from other similar organizations?
Robinson: We are very fortunate to have a wonderful partnership with Rady Children's Hospital Foundation. They have worked with us to ensure that our funds are used exclusively for cardiology. They let us, as parents and volunteers, have a say in where we would like to see the funds directed. We work hand-in-hand with the physicians to make sure our funds are used to meet the most urgent needs of the cardiology department.
CBJ: How do you measure success?
Robinson: True success would be when we are no longer needed. Until then, nothing gives us greater joy than to be able to say “yes, we can buy that or do that for you” when we receive a request. Success to me is also when I receive donations from folks I've never met who heard of our mission and were compelled to support us.
CBJ: What needs does the organization have?
Robinson: There is always a need for more volunteers and donations. There is also a great need for corporate partners to work with us as we plan our annual fundraising gala and participate in other fundraising events throughout the year.
CBJ: What do you see for the future of CHIfund?
Robinson: I see CHIfund continuing to grow and succeed in raising awareness of congenital heart defects. Community involvement is a very critical piece of our future growth.
CBJ: Is there anything else you would like to add or think people should know?
Robinson: Valentine's Day is always an exciting time for us. Our corporate partners, La Costa Resort & Spa and Jer's Chocolates, have put together Gifts from the Heart, a shopping event where you can purchase Valentine's Day gifts and chocolates while benefiting Children's Heart Institute at the same time. The event is from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Feb. 13?14 at the La Costa Resort. If you can't make the event, you can still order chocolates at and use the promotion code: heart. Jer's Chocolates will donate a percentage of those sales back to CHIfund. We also have our annual Helping Little Hearts Heal gala Oct. 24 at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla.

(760) 804-9526
