There are several items you should consider before making a decision about your Medicare choices. Number one and perhaps the most There are several items you should consider before making a decision about your Medicare choices. The most important items are:

1. Is your physician in the plan that you are looking at?
2. Is your hospital in the plan that you are looking at?
Other important items are the existence of copays (for primary care and/or specialized care visits), the monthly premiums and the skilled nursing facility benefits.

"It is also very important to know what your prescription drug usage is going to be, because a few dollars change in the copay amount or in the cost of prescription drugs can have implications of thousands of dollars a year for some people," says Tri-City Medical Center's Senior Vice President Wayne Knight.

These are some of the key things you should know about enrolling in a Medicare plan:

1. You are only allowed to switch plans once a year, during the open enrollment period, unless special circumstances arise.
2. The commitment to enroll in a certain plan generally works on a calendar year (from January to December.)
3. If you are happy with the plan you have and you have confirmed it will be in effect next year, you need not do anything. You will be automatically re-enrolled. You only need to take action if you want to switch plans or disenroll.

"This year Medicare is stronger than ever," says Knight. Because of the Affordable Care Act, Medicare will be providing three important services that were not included before:
1. Free preventive care with your primary care physician
2. Free cancer screenings
3. Free annual wellness visit

This is a very important opportunity. It is your time to visit your physician, share with him/her your health concerns and ask for advice to stay healthy. "This new requirement has been well received in the medical and the patient community," says Knight. "Now, instead of waiting to get sick, you can focus on managing your health and keeping a healthy lifestyle that you can enjoy."
