Fundraiser to help Mitchell Thorp is set for Aug. 16

You can feed your appetite, dance and help out families whose children suffer from life-threatening illnesses, diseases and disorders at the Hearts for Hope Fundraiser, which will benefit the Mitchell Thorp Foundation.

The event will take place at the North Coast Calvary Chapel, 1330 Poinsettia Lane in Carlsbad from 6:30-9 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 16. Cost is $20 per person (not including food). For more information, visit and search for Hearts for Hope under the "events" tab.

The fundraised will feature gourmet food trucks, live entertainment, dance instruction, a DJ and a silent auction. The silent auctions items include:

• Four-some of golf at Fallbrook Country Club.
• Hipetec complete golf set
• Titlest golf driver model 905T
• Hippo driver model 460
• Baseball bat autographed by Tony Gwynn.
• Keurig machine and single-serve coffee cups
• Men's Crew hair products and haircut.
• Olive oil gift basket
• Professional photo studio sitting
• 4 LA Sparks VIP tickets including parking for Aug. 25
