RBF Consulting is a planning, design and construction management consulting firm serving the public and private sector in developing the built environment. They play a role in developing residential communities, infrastructure, educational facilities, parks commercial centers, health care facilities and other facilities.

Executive's name: Richard (Rick) Rubin
Title: Sr. Vice President
Company name: RBF Consulting
Address: 5050 Avenida Encinas, Suite 260
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Phone: (760) 476-9193
Web site: www.rbf.com
Founded: 1944 (I began with RBF in 1981)
Prior experience: From 1976, 1981, City of Chula Vista Engineering Dept
1981, present RBF Consulting (merge with Sholders & Sanford)
Age: 52
Education: Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, SDSU 1978

Source of starting capital: Branch office of a larger company
2003 revenues: $ 500,000
2004 revenues: $1,600,000
2005 revenues: $2,500,000
Average hours worked weekly: 50
Number of teammates: Carlsbad office has a staff of 17

Residence: Poway
Family: Wife of 25 years, Debbie; Children: Grant, 22; Geoff, 20; and Hope, 15
Hobbies: Adult Baseball, Playing guitar
What got you into this business? I was finishing up my degree at SDSU and accepted an internship with the City of Chula Vista. I met a lot of engineers and developers in town and developed a greater interest in the business. I especially liked the fact that the work required a lot of dealing with people and working out potential conflicts to complete projects.

What makes your business a standout? The first thing that comes to mind is the people. We have a staff that really cares about doing a great job for our clients. Our people have a desire to create high quality products and are focused on continual self-improvement.

Drawbacks to your line of business: The consulting business is a very deadline intensive business and often we are working to complete efforts that make or break significant real estate transactions. The fact that others may be involved, such as public agencies, makes it challenging, as we often do not control every step of the process. On the other hand, when success is achieved, it is because we were able to communicate and work effectively with others, which can be very satisfying.

Why is your company located in Carlsbad? We believe that there is a need for a company to be located in Coastal North County to be available to serve the public and private entities that are along the coast and the I-78 corridor. Most of our staff lives in this corridor or along the coast, which means that they have a vested interest in the outcome of projects as it affects their quality of life.

How do you plan to grow? Our growth plan has been to offer expanded services to our current clients. We are offering services in the areas of traffic engineering, transportation planning, civil engineering and land surveying for land development and public works projects and construction management services for public and private clients. We have highly qualified staff in these areas and are looking to expand our capability even further to the benefit of our clients.

Toughest career decision: Merging my previous company, Sholders & Sanford with RBF Consulting in 1992. This has turned out to be a great decision as together we have accomplished so much more than we could have accomplished independently.

Ongoing challenges: Continuing to find the type of people who want to excel in this field to join our team. Also, there are technological changes that are constantly taking place and we want to be a leader in that area. It requires a strong commitment to continuing education and training for all of our staff.

Best way to stay competitive: Do great work, do it on time and for a fair price that provides a great value to the client. Part of doing great work is being a consultant and advisor; clients want creativity and resourcefulness to help them achieve their goals.

In five years, where would you like your business to be? We would like to strengthen our place in the community, by increasing our activity in local organizations, by serving an expanded client base and by being looked to for advice and assistance from both the public and private sector. Our goal is to bring to our clients service from in planning, engineering and construction so that they rely on one firm to handle these needs. That gives them both confidence and convenience; confidence in our capability to accomplish project needs and the convenience to deal with one firm to procure a variety of services.

What does your company contribute to the Carlsbad community? The most basic thing we contribute is that we bring a quality business to the community with people who care about the future of Carlsbad. We are involved in the Chamber of Commerce and as such we are a part of the promotion of Carlsbad to other businesses. Our service to the public sector (City of Carlsbad, in particular), allows us to directly provide our expertise for the betterment of the City's infrastructure and to achieve quality projects that help shape the City and maintain or enhance the great reputation that has been earned.

What are your guiding principles? Our core values and ideology are the backbone of our company. The following principles are seen as the guiding cultural elements that continue to make RBF Consulting a true leader in the world of planning, design and construction:
? Honesty and integrity in all aspects of business
? Quality service is the rule
? The client comes first
? We are each other's greatest resource
? Work with commitment and enthusiasm
? Promote from within whenever possible
? Profit is what provides us with our quality of life
? Belief in principles centered upon high moral values

What's one thing other people do not know about you? I am a member of the 2004 Adult Baseball World Championship Team, 48 and over division.
What would you change if you could do it all over again? I feel lucky to have done the things I've done in my career and my personal life. For me to go back and second guess might make it appear that I appreciate my good fortune less than I do, so there's not much I'd do different. I suppose now that I've had two kids in college, some better planning for those expenses would have been a beneficial move!

Choice for a second career: Well, I'm too old to be a professional ballplayer, but music would definitely be the choice for a second career.

People you look up to and why: This may sound clich?-ish, but my Dad is still the person I look up to most. He was a hard worker when we were small and he made himself successful through his tireless efforts and by treating people with kindness and consideration. That combined with his unusual sense of business made him a real role model in every way. If I can be half the person my Dad is I will feel extremely successful.

Favorite movie: "Damn Yankees" with Tab Hunter and Gwen Verdon; the perfect mix of music and baseball!

Favorite quote: "There is no success without a successor" (from the book Developing the Leaders Around You by John Maxwell).

Advice for new entrepreneurs: Have a good plan, work on it with passion and always treat people with respect and kindness.
