Solutions Business Imaging?was started in November of 2002 as Cirrus Partners, Inc. Two long-time friends and successful businessmen, Ron Lovick and Dean Taylor, wanted to partner in a joint venture. The company's goal is to provide award-winning services, including high speed digital imaging, finishing, business communications and professional bindery (to name a few) for private sector, government, all size businesses, and consumer clients.

Solutions Business Imaging doesn't "sell" printing, rather they offer Business Solutions. Today, just three short years after opening, they are looking forward to continuing with innovative solutions, services, and an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction well into the future.

Executive's name: Ron Lovick
Title: President
Company Name: Solutions Business Imaging
Address: 3295 Business Park Dr.
Vista, CA 92081
Phone: (760) 727-0309

Founded: Winter of 2002
Prior experience: Information Systems Fortune 500 Companies
Source of starting capital: Personal & Small Business Administration Loan
2003 revenues: $ 930,000
2004 revenues: $ 998,000
Average hours worked weekly: 55
Number of teammates: 12

Residence: 27 yrs in Carlsbad.

Family: Happily married for 31 years with two grown daughters.

Hobbies: Flying general aviation aircraft and public services with Red Cross and Carlsbad Police Department.

What got you into this business? I wanted to develop an organization where I could help business people solve business problems.

What makes your business a standout? Our principals have extensive business backgrounds. We understand the pressures that business people face and provide solutions to meet all of their digital printing needs.

Drawbacks to your line of business: Every project is unique and different. Hey, we're not making widgets here!

Why is your company located in Carlsbad? Carlsbad is the hub of high quality business in North County.

How do you plan to grow? We will increase our reach with our current clients through referrals and introductions. We will also expand geographically and provide additional solution sets as we identify our clients growing needs.

Toughest career decision: Leave a high paying job and become my own boss.

Ongoing challenges: Finding and retaining World-Class Team Members and staying "top-of-mind" with our clients.

Best way to stay competitive: Listen to your client's needs.

In five years, where would you like your business to be? I would like to have additional locations in North County and providing expanded solution sets.

What does your company contribute to the Carlsbad community? We have been an active member of the community prior to opening our doors. This year we sponsored the downtown association fire hydrant maps and voting contest. We provided materials, time and talent to the "Kids are Worth a Million Telethon", to benefit Carlsbad area schools. This year's telethon raised over $80,000.00. Our community involvement contributed to our organization's being named as a finalist in the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce's Small Business of the Year for the second year in a row.

What are your guiding principles? Put the client's needs first – always!

What's one thing other people do not know about you? I've been involved in law enforcement for over thirty years.

What would you change if you could do it all over again? Start being my own boss sooner.
Choice for a second career: Corporate aircraft management and ownership.

People you look up to and why: Ronald Regan and Jimmy Stewart…need I say more!

Favorite movie: Top Gun, But, I still haven't done a fly-by!

Favorite quote: "Just Do It!" (Thanks NIKE)

Advice for new entrepreneurs: Find your passion, go with it and give it your all. Then don't look back, don't give in and never stop learning.
