With an average of two guidance counselors for every 500 students in our local high schools, there is a dire need for more help in guiding students from seventh through twelfth grades. Whether a child is destined for college or a vocational trade, Study Depot is stepping up to the plate with a new service called "7th Inning Stretch Guidance."

Owners Colleen and David Christopher believe parents should start to plan for their children's post high school futures as early as the seventh grade. By using the baseball reference, '7th inning stretch,' it reminds parents to stop and take stock in where their child is with their interest in school and grades, and where it will take them.

In the "7th Inning Stretch Guidance" program, each grade level has specific guidelines for students to address and take action steps. For example in 7th grade students learn about their interests in a self-assessment software program. They discuss what's involved in an Honor's track, and learn the importance of creating a brag sheet. Financial issues related to college or trade schools are explored with parents. In 8th grade the program adds tools to cope with transition to high school, advice for language placement and encouragement to participate in academic enrichment activities. At each level visiting campuses is encouraged because it creates a vision for students.

During the 9th grade, Study Depot helps students analyze their goals and create a 4-year plan. Each participant begins general research on colleges and/or trade schools. Each high school grade level offers detailed information to help guide and keep students on their path. From when to take the SATs, ACTs to a senior year "to-do" list, including assistance in completing three college applications, Study Depot wants their students to touch all the bases and hit home runs.

This early awareness program is a parent's dream come true. "Stretch" takes on new meaning when applied to the Study Depot's answer to helping children pave the way for continuing their education after high school. Students can begin their extended reach at any grade level; however, it's a proven fact the earlier students begin to distinguish themselves as high achievers, the better the possibilities of being accepted to preferred schools.

"Parents were asking us to create a program of this kind," states Colleen Christopher. "The need was obvious. In kid terms, it was a 'no-brainer' for us to make the effort to put this comprehensive 7th through 12th grade prep guidance program together. Our facility and staff are ideally suited to add this service to our company offerings."

Founded in 1999, Study Depot offers students a unique, comprehensive learning skill system combined with one-on-one support. The company provides elementary through high school students at grade level and above with exceptional opportunities for academic success. The facility is conveniently located next to Tuesday Morning in the La Costa Towne Center, 7750-H El Camino Real, in La Costa. For more information call Colleen Christopher at (760) 632-0242 or visit their website www.studydepot.com.
