The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce is known for providing services such as counseling, mentoring, Expos advertising and the like. Now, the organization can add one more item to their list of specialties, cooking.
Meet Ted Owen, Carlsbad Chamber President and CEO. Donning a pressed shirt, tie and slacks, Owen slips an apron over his business attire each Tuesday, heads to the Chamber's kitchen and creates delicious 30-minute health conscious meals for his staff. He calls these weekly chef moments 'Ted's Tuesday'.
It all began one slightly chilly Tuesday in December of last year. Several staff members had brought up the idea of having an office potluck or bringing in lunch to get the group together when an email was sent out announcing lunch would be provided. Promptly at 11:30 a.m. a savory Italian Chicken noodle soup, grilled cheese sandwiches and toasted garlic bread were set in the conference room for staff members to enjoy.
"I explained the ingredients to my staff, many of whom are practicing healthy eating. I showed them the preparation process, pointing out how quick, easy, fun and, most importantly, how healthy cooking could be," says Owen who is an avid amateur chef and enjoys creating meals. "After lunch a few of the employees joked 'what's on the menu for next week?' I responded by saying, 'how about corn chowder' and it has been going ever since."
The impromptu meal has transformed into a "family lunch" that the Carlsbad Chamber staff looks forward to each week. Owen even goes so far as to make smaller portions of his dishes vegetarian style for select staff members who prefer their dishes sans meat.
"I find it refreshing that my boss takes the time to not only prepare lunch for the entire staff each week but he also goes over the ingredients, contents and preparation details of each meal," says Gina Saville Director of Sales and Marketing for the Chamber.
What has been on the menu so far? Italian chicken noodle soup, corn chowder, chili, Mexican casserole, lasagna, chicken paella and Italian sausage, just to name a few. Each meal is complete with a tasty side dish, salad, garlic bread or vegetables.
Betsy Bracken, the Chamber's Director of Special Events says, "Aside from the fact that we have one day a week where we all come together as a staff to enjoy a great meal, I think it's wonderful that this man is our boss yet he is in the kitchen cooking and serving us."
Ted has even subscribed to cooking magazines to add diversity to his weekly entrees. Quick kitchen tips, recipes and South Beach Diet favorites can be found in his office amid business reports, columns and Chamber news.
Executive Vice President, Toni Padron looks at Owen's actions as a 'practice what you preach' example.
"Ted is always talking or writing about the importance of leaders motivating and looking after their employees, achieving success with a positive attitude and quality leadership," Padron remarks. "He doesn't just preach it, we live it every Tuesday."
Indeed, there have been more than a few staff meetings, published columns, private and public discussions where Owen applauds the altruistic work of successful leaders.
Every Tuesday, come rain, shine or meeting, Ted's Tuesdays happen. If there is a Chamber visitor, or if Owen has a meeting that day that can not be rescheduled, the guest is invited into lunch. SCORE Counselors, Chamber members, consultants even staff family and friends have all been able to enjoy Ted's Tuesday if they're around at 11:30 a.m.
"I prepare healthy, filling and tasty entrees for the guys and gals here each Tuesday," says Owen. "I love to cook and it's the perfect time to get all (or most) of the staff together and do something nice for them."
