To put it simply, The Audiss Group, LLC is a company dedicated to helping businesses increase their sales revenue.

As founder Suzanne Audiss says, “Our commitment is to provide excellent sales, sales management and leadership training to individuals and corporations that are ready to take their game to the next level. The on-going reinforcement training and coaching that is inherent in the Sandler Selling System provides the foundation for success.”

Executive's name: Suzanne Audiss
Title: President
Company name: Sandler Sales Institute/The Audiss Group, LLC
Address: 5927 Balfour Court, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Phone: 760-918-5945
Web site:
Founded: 2003
Prior experience: Sales, Sales Management and Operations Management in the technology industry.

Source of starting capital: Self-funded
2004 revenues: $250,000
2005 revenues: $500,000
Average hours worked weekly: 60
Number of teammates: 4

Residence: Corona del Mar
Family: 1 beautiful baby girl
Hobbies: What hobbies? With a baby and a business, my favorite sports of golf and skiing have been side-lined indefinitely.
What got you into this business? Burnout in the technology industry and a desire to "be my own boss".
What makes your business a standout? How many other entrepreneurs can say that they have helped San Diego businesses grow sales an average of 25%, increased profitability an average of 27%, saved cumulatively over $42 million in needless discounting and put the wind back in the sails of some of our best San Diego business owners?!
Drawbacks to your line of business: Same as with my clients, I need to balance my time appropriately between servicing my customers and prospecting for new ones.
Why is your company located in Carlsbad? I love North County. Carlsbad is the epicenter. Why not locate in an area of excellence?
How do you plan to grow? I am looking to add salespeople in 2006.
Toughest career decision: Leaving the "cushy" corporate world where I was successful and respected.
Ongoing challenges: Balancing work and family time.
Best way to stay competitive: Keep your saw sharp, treat your customers as royalty and stay focused.
In five years, where would you like your business to be? That's easy. We will be a $5 million sales development company based in Carlsbad, California. Our move this month to our own building with a world-class training center was a major milestone in our 5 year strategic plan.
What does your company contribute to the Carlsbad community? Aside from volunteer work, we donate 10% of our profits back to local charities. 2005 was an exception, though. Our donations went to the survivors of Hurricane Katrina.
What are your guiding principles? My career began at IBM where I was taught that "respect for the individual" is key. After that, we strive to be fair and honest in all of our actions.
What's one thing other people do not know about you? Hmmm…since I am bilingual in French and English, my goal is to spend a year in Southern France, so my daughter can have the same international experience that I was fortunate enough to have.
What would you change if you could do it all over again? In regards to launching my business? I would have invested more money in marketing sooner.
Choice for a second career: I am in my 2nd career and absolutely ecstatic with the choice.
