Want to save a couple of hours behind the wheel? It takes about two hours to drive to San Diego from North County and back. And if the freeway is congested – forget about it! But if you opt to spend the time aboard the North County Transit District's COASTER train instead, then perhaps you could read a few chapters of that book you have been carrying around for days, relax and take in the incredible views along our beautiful Southern California coast, or tweet about the dolphins you just saw. Come on – you can't see dolphins from the freeway!
The COASTER provides a reliable alternative to wasting hours upon hours stuck in freeway traffic. The COASTER carries passengers between downtown San Diego, Old Town, Sorrento Valley, Solana Beach, Encinitas, Carlsbad and Oceanside six days a week, with special service on Friday evenings and Padres game days. The COASTER also provides easy connections to the airport, San Diego Convention Center, and to the Gaslamp and business districts via San Diego's Metropolitan Transit System (MTS). The COASTER is also the region's best connection to Orange and Riverside County transit networks. Simply take the COASTER to the Oceanside Transit Center and transfer to Metrolink commuter rail or the Riverside County Transit Authority's Commuterlink bus service.
Besides the benefit of a stress free commute, choosing the COASTER can save you money. How much do you spend annually on fuel, parking and maintenance? What if you could reduce some of your costs by using public transit? According to the American Public Transportation Association, the average San Diego area resident can save more than $10,000 a year by riding transit. How affordable is public transit? A monthly COASTER pass costs $144 to $182, depending upon how far you travel. NCTD's monthly COASTER pass is valid for travel on the SPRINTER light rail line, BREEZE bus service, and MTS Trolleys and buses in San Diego.
But wait – it gets even better. NCTD is launching a promotional, year-long fare reduction program in 2011, rolling fares back to 2007 levels. The savings are huge! Monthly pass holders will see their costs drop from a high of $182 to a rate between $120 and $150, depending upon the distance travelled. Single-day tickets will be reduced by $2 for roundtrips and $1 for one-way trips.
NCTD has great news for folks planning to attend the Carlsbad Village Faire on November 7, 2010. Why drive when you can take the COASTER directly to the Carlsbad Village Station? NCTD will operate a robust train schedule, delivering passengers directly to the Faire from as far away as San Diego and nearby as Oceanside. We are also going to make it easy for you to transfer to the COASTER from the SPRINTER light rail system which serves North County's inland cities. Stay tuned to www.gonctd.com for the latest details about our special service to the Carlsbad Village Faire. In addition to special service we are going to offer special fares as well. Stay tuned!
NCTD provides approximately 12 million trips annually within North San Diego County and via the COASTER to downtown San Diego. Its family of transit services currently includes the BREEZE bus system, the COASTER commuter rail service, LIFT paratransit and the SPRINTER light rail. It is NCTD's mission to deliver safe, convenient, reliable and user-friendly public transportation services.
