On Aug. 22, as the board chairman of the Chamber, I had the honor of presenting the State of the Chamber at our annual State of the City Luncheon.

The luncheon attracted approximately 450 people and was attended by all members of the Carlsbad City Council, city department heads, and many elected officials from our neighboring communities.

The Carlsbad Chamber with our collective size and leadership makes this event the premiere State of the City in all of North County.

I talked about how everything the Chamber does revolves around our five core competencies. Those competencies are as follows:

• Building A Strong Local Economy
• Promoting The Community
• Providing Networking And Business Development Opportunities
• Representing Business Before Government
• Political Action

The Chamber has seven committees and those committees accounted for more than 100 meetings, which provided professional development opportunities, workshops and other crucial services to our membership.

We promoted the community with two Carlsbad Village Faires which drew nearly 2,000 vendors and 200,000-plus attendees.

We also conducted dozens of new business ribbon cutting ceremonies, anniversary celebrations and grand openings.

We conducted an eco bus tour of sustainable businesses.

We co-sponsored with the city a sold-out business academy, held four (4) non-profit roundtables and held symposiums with the city on disaster preparedness with the Ready Carlsbad Business Alliance.

This group became the Chamber's newest regular committee this year. It proved to be right on target with the recent Poinsettia fire, and the alliance was able to help in the recovery effort.

The Ready Carlsbad Business Alliance's Poinsettia fire efforts helped 98 families, distributing $25,000 to those who were affected by the fire.

In the area of Networking, the Chamber held more than a dozen evening sundowner receptions, hosting hundreds of members at a variety of businesses citywide.

In the area of Business Development, the Chamber, in concert with the small business administration, conducted more than 300 counselling sessions in our business success center with entrepreneurs who are looking to launch businesses right here in our region.

Thinking of starting a new business? Why not take advantage of our business success center?

In May, we launched the first-ever Small Business Awards Luncheon to highlight the accomplishments of our small business members.

This was the launch of a very successful event that will most likely become a regular part of our Chamber's annual programs. Our annual programs include the Annual Awards Dinner, Our Outstanding Educational Program Awards Dinner and the State of the City Luncheon.

Thousands of hours are spent supporting our member businesses. It is impressive when we recognize that the calendar only has 222 working days, and that the Chamber staff is made up of less than a dozen employees.

In regards to our publications, the Chamber distributes all of it publications to all businesses in the city to enable members and non members alike to benefit.

Our Carlsbad Business Journal newspaper for the second year in a row, won the best chamber newspaper in the fifteen western states.

When called upon by our business members, the Chamber also represents business before government and occasionally gets involved in political issues.

We have a very active Government Affairs Committee that advocates for businesses and writes letters opposing legislation that hurts jobs or imposes onerous demands on our businesses.

We brought the Carlsbad sign back before the City Council and won unanimous support to recreate an iconic place making sign in Carlsbad on the Coast Highway.

Having represented AT&T in north San Diego County for the past 16 years, it is an honor for me to chair the 40-member Chamber Board of Directors that works hand in hand each day with the city staff and our member businesses to make Carlsbad one of the best cities in the nation.

The Chamber has seven committees and those committees accounted for more than 100 meetings, which provided professional development opportunities, workshops and other crucial services to our membership.
