The past 12 months have been the most rewarding in my working lifetime. To serve so many great chamber members and work with the finest professional staff in the chamber world is indeed a pleasure for me. Essentially, it is all about the people; but here are some points to ponder as you enter the New Year.

There are three examples, I believe, that make some companies better than others in their success. Some of the best companies today have turned themselves upside down. They've found that the old fashioned pyramid-style management chart doesn't work. So, they've flipped the pyramid over giving the employees more say in what goes on. And it works, as evidenced in improved sales and earnings. Interested in inverting the pyramid in your operation? Here are some tips:

–Challenge employees to come up with better ways to do their jobs on their own. You may be surprised at how valuable some of their suggestions are.
–Seek out ideas from everyone, not just those who have a direct involvement with the job. Sometimes good ideas come from unlikely sources.
–Treat employees with honesty and respect. Don't dictate whether or not they are going to have their ideas enacted. Explain the reasons that underlie a decision or policy.
–Spread authority around. If the largest part of the pyramid is to be at the top, the top people should have authority. Case in point: At one auto plant, any worker who sees a problem can shut down the whole assembly line until the problem is resolved. By giving employees more control over their work environment and more involvement in running their jobs, you tap into a valuable source of ideas and productivity?which pays off for everyone.

In addition to tips on turning your management style around, here are some words of wisdom for each of you to take into the New Year.
–Live as if there were no tomorrow, learn as if you would live forever.
–We must remember that everything is ordinary and extraordinary. It is our minds that either open or close.
–Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
–What do the words success and excuses have in common? Nothing! Those who achieve success never rely on excuses. And those who rely on excuses never achieve success.
–Here is a question you must ask every day. Which is stronger: my urge to grow or my resistance to change?
–No one can do everything. Still, everyone can do something. Together, we can do anything.
–When the wind is blowing, a man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder. He will go wherever he gets pushed.
–Some people make things happen. Some people watch things happen. Some people wonder what happened.
Have a prosperous and happy New Year.
