Lately, I have seen and heard the dreaded "R" word, recession, raising its ugly head.
I see FEAR starting to slide into our lives. FEAR means False Evidence Appearing Real. Sure there is negative news out there, but if that is all we hear, then that's what we will believe is only happening. Well, we don't want to believe only the bad. There is plenty of good happening too.
Take my word for it, there is only a recession or softening of the economy if we follow it.
I have been reading Brian Tracy's book, "Advanced Selling Strategies." Some of the theories of this San Diegan and expert sales trainer and consultant apply to all of us, not just those in sales and marketing.
For instance, he writes:
• The key to success is to learn from experts; study and copy the very best in your field.
• Fully 80 percent of a person's success will be determined by his or her attitude, only 20 percent by aptitude.
• The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life. By using your ability to think you take charge of your life and determine your own destiny. You determine everything that happens to you by the way you think about it in advance.
• Self-esteem is our emotional core; it is the most important component of the self-concept. Self-esteem controls our levels of energy, enthusiasm and motivation, if you think you can do it, you can.
• On the other side of the coin is low self-esteem, which translates into feelings of inferiority and unworthiness. It is manifested in feelings of incompetence and inadequacy. The FEAR syndrome starts here.
• The fear of rejection soon follows on the heels of a sagging self-confidence. Fortunately, the fear of rejection and its companion, the fear of taking a risk, are acquired conditions. No one is born with it. Instead, it is infancy onward. It's a negative habit pattern that almost everyone develops while growing up. And, because it is learned, it can be unlearned, sometimes quickly. Stepping up and realizing that we are in complete control of our own destiny is the first step. Not buying into FEAR is the next. Lastly, with every success, no matter how small, we will build into a growing confidence and higher self-esteem.
Fear is and always will be the greatest enemy of mankind. We can't control what goes on around us, but we can control ourselves. Don't buy into the potential of a recession, or what we can't do, or whatever excuse du jour crops up.
We must remember this Henry Ford quote: "If you believe you can do a thing, or if you believe you cannot, in either case you are probably right."
