We asked our Carlsbad Chamber members who work together: What tips do you have for working with your spouse? From setting clear expectations and rules for communication to defining roles clearly to making time to "play" the answers we got are good advice for everyone, whether you plan to open a "mom-and-pop shop" or just want to listen to advice from those who share their home and work lives.

Bill & Christine Davis
Coolest Shoes in California
Don't compete. My husband and I are very competitive by nature and we find ourselves measuring up our successes against one another. Quite often it is motivating, but occasionally it is harmful to the balance within a marriage. It's important to realize that each person has their strengths and weaknesses. To keep peace, be sure each person is given responsibilities that match their strengths and find programs, methods, and tools to help improve on or correct the weaknesses. And never forget that you are husband and wife first and foremost, and business partners second.

Sanjeev & Shalini Dhiman
The Goddard School
We have been married for 10 years and we give importance to trust, respect and understanding, which form the basis of love. We work great together when we give each other the space to be creative and the opportunity to voice an opinion. Of course, there are disagreements and arguments, but we learned to listen and understand each other and then each has to provide facts to choose the best decision for the business. Also, we stop talking about the business after 8 p.m. and no business talks on weekends. This is how we can preserve normalcy in life.

Dale & Linda Condy
Gems of La Costa
We're celebrating the 25th anniversary of our store this year, and we recently celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. Our secret to making our partnership work is patience and understanding. Jokes Dale: "The secret to having enough patience and understanding is to marry someone like Linda. She has more than enough for both of us!"

Dr. Joseph P. & Li Kametz
Gohl Clinic of Chiropractic
The recipe for any successful partnership in business and marriage is commitment, communication, and compromise. Everything else just falls into place when those are solid.

Chris & Jenny Munford
Creative Bube Tube
My husband and I moved here from Canada in October 2012. This 2013 was a very hard year for us as we did not anticipate that relocating and starting up the businesses was going to be so tough. What we learned from it, is that our marriage came first.

No matter what was going on in the businesses, we helped each other solve problems and lift each other moods.

Working together can be extremely stressful on a marriage especially when things aren't going smoothly … that's when you have to count on each other and never take negativity out on the other person because the business is NOT that important, but your marriage is.

Kolan & Lupe Hairston
Fish Window Cleaning
Figure out how to be business partners and marriage partners and realize they are extremely different.
Sit down and figure out what's going to work for you based on your personality type and each other's strengths. Set a cut off time for discussing business at home (i.e. dinner after 5 p.m., etc. and never ever, ever talk business in the bedroom, That should always be a sacred business free zone.

Sean Kirkwood & Robin Hansen
Addison Sheet Metal, Inc.
Be sure to discuss and agree upon the division of duties at work and respect your partner's "territory" while remaining available as a partner to help. Communicate clearly when you have expectations! Do your best to understand your partner's responsibilities! Be willing and able to be partners at work regardless of any personal issues that occur.

Gene & Jo-Ann Forsyth
Forsyth & Insurance Agency
We have worked in the same office for 18 years and have enjoyed a good working relationship. We have always had our own office within the larger office setting and both have our special area of expertise that we pursue.
We are husband and wife and always best friends. Since we each have our own area of expertise there is no competition between us. We help where we can and never let issues become personal. We have a business and personal relationship and we never let one overtake the other.

Chuck & Cindy Hahn
Hahn Insurance Services, Inc.
It's simple, stay out of each other's hair!!!

Dana & Melissa Main
We have worked together for over 20 years and have learned that communication is our key to success. We have a weekly meeting to discuss the events of the previous week and set goals for the week ahead. This keep us both accountable and on track. Also, we "always kiss goodnight."

Nanette Newbry & Richard Dowdy
Studio 2055
Having worked with a business partner (my wife) for more than 20 years, I have realized that the most important thing to remember is that we are both working for the same goals?the continuance of a successful business. As co-owners of a graphic design/branding company (Studio 2055), it is important to divide our responsibilities and to remember the three C's for success: Collaborate, Compromise and Communicate. As we are frequently together through the working day, it is especially important to spend the time away from the studio not discussing work!

Carrie and Fred Havens
North Coast Signs
Have regular date nights, and during these dates, don't talk about work or the kids! Also, keep a joyful heart, laugh a lot!
