If you're looking to connect in the city of Carlsbad, try going to the city's two libraries and City Hall. City officials report that Carlsbad is now offering Wireless Internet Access at these locations.
A total of $10,000 was spent on the equipment needed to make the wireless connections possible. Laptop computers with wireless capability, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and other mobile Internet devices can now be used at these 'hot spot' areas.

Recently in San Francisco, Google offered to provide the city with blanket wireless Internet coverage free of charge. This not only means free to the people who use it, but most attractively, free to the taxpayers of San Francisco.
Red flags have gone up with this decision. Although Google has no track record of running a wireless network, the bid has raised fears that the company merely intends to use the San Francisco as a road test. Competitors fear that Google has long-term intentions of providing a network of wireless coverage throughout major cities in the US. This is prompting some to take preventative action.
The city's main library is located on Dove Lane and the Georgina Cole Library is on Carlsbad Village Drive. The wireless service connection will be available for use during regular business hours.
