We asked our Chamber members:
What advice would you give someone who is looking to start
their own business. Here are some of the responses we received.

Deb Beddoe
Clearly define the long-term results you want to achieve and stay laser focused on the activities that will help you achieve your results. Communicate the desired results to your team (staff, family, advisors) and ask them to help you stay accountable to the activities that will help you achieve your goals and not allow other worthy activities to become a distraction.

Wendi Brick
Customer Service Advantage, Inc.
Work hard, then work harder. Hire great people.

Lisa O'Hearn
Jockey Person to Person
Have a solid business plan and stick to it. Review it on a regular basis, and make modifications as needed.

Cleta Frederiksen
ebr Insurance Services LLC,
Join the Chamber and take advantage of the networking, education and support.

Melissa Bustarde
Mayfield Bustarde, LLP
Don't be afraid to spend the money to get an attorney to set up your business structure and agreements at the beginning of your business. It will save you a lot of money, time and heartache in the long run.

Shalini Dhiman
The Goddard School
Always do your research thoroughly and visit as many small business organizations to seek advice and information. There is a lot of research, surveys, information out there to help make your decision for the right business. Also, follow your strengths and make sure you have your heart and soul into the business. Be prepared to put in lots of hard work/efforts/hours.

Tamara Furman
Team Furman, Inc.
Do your homework about the market's need for what you provide, know and understand as much as you can about your potential competition, get clarity regarding your patience level and willingness to learn as a beginner (there are many aspects of owning a business beyond delivering a product/service to a client), evaluate your dedication and resilience to doing what it takes to start something new.

Sharon Jenks
The Jenks Group
You need to have a business plan so that you can move swiftly. Implement your plan and only deviate if something happens in the market that wasn't an assumption you made when creating your plan. Know what drives your business (those are things you CAN control) and execute on those drivers every day.

Kathy Kinane
Kinane Events
My advice would be to learn as much as possible about the most successful companies in your industry and the unique characteristics of the leaders and the products/services they provide.

Littleton Wennes CPAs
Keep it simple to start. A lot of start ups jump into incorporating or organizing as an LLC because they are excited about their idea and feel like that makes them a "real business." Save the organization fees and the $800 minimum franchise tax until you have a legitimate need for liability protection and/or tax planning.

Alex Lipscomb
Brand is everything. Invest in it, develop it and keep its integrity. Continually educate yourself for growth.

Marcie Martini
Massage by Marcie
It is important to be patient with the process of developing a new business. Optimism and discouragement are part of that process. Creating a new business takes a lot of time, courage, kindness to all (including yourself) and perseverance.

Gayle Mestel
CCS Public Relations
Join organizations that provide resources and networking opportunities, as well as programs to support your objectives. Also, leverage your relationships and take advantage of social media tools.

Carla Vallone
Portavoce PR
When it rains, let it pour. It only takes a brief period of observation, examination and action to figure out how to find the resources to keep up with your business growth. The investments you make to keep pace will payoff in multiples.

Jenny Munford
Creative Bube Tube
Have a clearly defined vision. Make sure everyone around you knows that vision. Know your strengths through assessments tools such as DISK, Devine and Strengths Finder. When hiring, make sure to have new hires also do the tests. When it comes to building a great business, it's all about the people! The more they know about you, and the more you know about them, the greater the chances of success will be. Building a business is tough, so surround yourself with top caliber, hardworking, intelligent people.

Nancy Nayudu
Pelican Cove Bed & Breakfast Inn
Do your homework and know what is involved on all levels of business ownership (time, money, physical and mental demands).

Nanette Newbry
Studio 2055
It's very important to have relevant, experienced support. I recommend joining a CEO group that has other top-level executives who everyday face the same business problems you might face. This has proven to be invaluable for myself and the business. Secondly, establish a friendly, business relationship with your banker. It's alway best to have them in your corner when you need them. Hire a good accountant to do the heavy lifting.

Carol Phillips
Skinsational Skin and Body Spa
Play to your strengths and learn to hire out your weaknesses. You can't afford to be the chief cook and bottlewasher. Don't fool yourself that you will learn to do some tasks that you hate. Don't get caught in the trap you have to do it all and ALL takes you away from what will make you money.

Cherimarie Poulos
Carlsbad Food Tours
Start with a unique idea and build from there. P.S. Join the local Chamber of Commerce and co-promote other local business.

Alden Reynoso
Human Resources Professional Group
Just like in the "corporate world" – if you want to get ahead, find yourself a mentor. You need to make connections with similarly situated, but experienced, business people. Being at the top can be lonely and frustrating when there are problems to solve! Get yourself a network of brains to pick!

Della Stewart
Dancin' Soul Boutique
Don't give up on your dreams. Reach out to other Chamber members for advice.

Linda Strand
Independent Energy Solutions, Inc.
Learn how to manage your time, not just scheduling and prioritizing, but also planning your strategy and what impact you want to make with your business.
