This year, a Business Development and Marketing Plan was completed for the Village Area by Kennedy Smith, principal of the Community Land Use and Economics Group (CLUE). This plan was commissioned by the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency to continue the revitalization effort within the beloved Carlsbad Village.

A Village Working Group, comprised of individuals from all segments of the Carlsbad community, is meeting twice a month to implement two key tasks from the plan. First, Smith is working with this group to establish a neutral nonprofit organization that will oversee implementation of the various tasks set forth within the plan. Second, Smith is guiding the working group through a discussion on any additional strategies and activities to be added to the plan.

The group intends to serve as a coordinating base for all business revitalization efforts in the area. This umbrella organization is anticipated to build upon and capture the strengths of the community and all of its associated interests, without duplicating current work. There will be many different organizations performing tasks to assist with Village revitalization, and this new organization will oversee and coordinate those tasks in a partnership approach.

To date, the Village Working Group has completed the following tasks:
1) Named itself, Carlsbad Village Improvement Partnership, or Carlsbad VIP
2) Developed a mission statement; “Carlsbad VIP is committed to creating a vibrant coastal Village through collaborative actions that enhance the vitality of businesses, welcome visitors, sustain the health of our residential neighborhoods and promote a safe and cohesive community.”
3) Created a community blog for the public to receive information on the activities of the Carlsbad VIP and to share other information about the Village, such as the opening of the New Village Arts Theater. Public engagement and comments are encouraged through the blog at
4) In the middle of June, a sub-committee of the group was formed to create bylaws for the Carlsbad VIP. This working group will be responsible for approving the bylaws and then selecting the new board of directors. The new organization would then move forward and work independently but in partnership with the City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, Carlsbad Convention & Visitor's Bureau and other organizations working on revitalization efforts in the Village.

The working group is expected to complete its tasks by the end of August, at which time it will disband. The new board of the Carlsbad VIP will then assume responsibility for implementation of activities through partnerships in early fall 2007.

For questions about the Village or the working group, contact Debbie Fountain at (760) 434-2815.
