Businesses account for 35 percent of California's peak energy use, according to The Energy Coalition. But they don't have to.
There are a number of ways small businesses can save energy and money. To learn how to save up to 20 percent on your business' energy costs, complete San Diego Gas & Electric's energy survey, a no-cost service available only to the company's business customers.
The survey is available at When you complete it, you will receive a detailed energy assessment report tailored for your business that consists of practical steps to reduce your energy use and costs.
Once you complete the survey, you will receive at no-cost and with no obligation:
• A prioritized action plan for reducing your energy costs.
• Links to rebates to help you further reduce your energy costs.
• Benchmarking of your energy management practices against more than 2,000 San Diego businesses that have completed the survey.
The Business Energy Assessment Program, which incorporates this mail-in survey, is funded by California utility customers and administered by SDG&E under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. To start reducing your energy use and costs today, follow these recommendations from The Energy Coalition:
• Set your thermostat to 78 degrees on summer days and 68 degrees on winter days. By adjusting your air conditioner 5 degrees higher, you'll save about 10 percent on cooling costs.
• Maximize natural light and use task or desktop lamps with compact fluorescent light bulbs instead of overhead lights.
• Enable power management on all computers and make sure to turn them off at night.
• Turn off coffeemakers by 10 a.m. and put what is leftover in the refrigerator. Staff can enjoy iced coffee or reheat it later in the day.
• Turn off all printers and copiers when not in use.
• Unplug any appliances and office equipment that is not used daily.
