We continue the mini-series of A Case for Becoming an Active Chamber Member: Low-cost advertising opportunities

5. Low-cost advertising opportunities

As far as visibility at the local level, a chamber offers a wide range of affordable advertising options and sponsorship packages for just about every business or nonprofit, regardless of how big or small their budget may be. I’ve bought and sold traditional media, and I can tell you it’s not cheap. For the price of a few ads in a major media outlet, you can often sponsor an entire program with the chamber, give a short commercial about your company, meet new prospects and follow up with the list of attendees who may have a need for your offering. This is a wonderful way to hold your marketing dollars accountable and see them working hard right before your eyes.

A common area to get low cost or free advertising is submitting updates or news briefs for possible inclusion within the chamber “Member News’ section of the newsletter or eletter. Amazingly, a lot of members do not take advantage of this wonderful free marketing opportunity provided with their membership. The chamber is always on the lookout for member related news. I make it a goal to get over a small news update or announcement at least every two to three months to my local chambers because I know many times it will get printed and read by key people in the business community.

Click here to read part four

Used with permission from “7 reasons every business & non-profit organization should be a member of their local chamber of commerce in a challenging economy.” by Tony Rubleski
