Carlsbad Job Readiness Room: Call for Carlsbad Employers

(Source / City of Carlsbad, August 2022)

Connecting workers with entry-level Carlsbad jobs

This pilot program is designed to connect entry-level, excluded, and/or vulnerable workers with basic skills training and connections to key Carlsbad employers in manufacturing, office administration, and hospitality & food service. There is no-cost for candidates and businesses to participate. We only ask that employers who participate in this program guarantee a job interview for a few candidates.

How it Works

The City has partnered with several amazing organizations to bring this program forward.

  • Lightcast – a labor market analytics firm – identifies key Carlsbad industries that are hiring and the skillset needed to work in those industries.
  • Bendable – an online course curator from the Drucker Institute – provides customized training pathways for those key industries and tracks progress.
  • Carlsbad Libraries provide access to those training pathways at every Carlsbad Library location and online.
  • The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerceengages Carlsbad businesses in this program and helps connect candidates with businesses and interviews.

Candidates commit to utilizing these services to take 15-20 hours of self-paced online skills training. Upon completion, they receive a micro-credential and are flagged for the Chamber of Commerce to make introductions to businesses.

Value to Carlsbad Employers

Carlsbad employers have told us how difficult it is to find entry level workers, especially in this tight labor market. The Job-Readiness Room provides candidates, who for whatever reason may have had difficulty finding work, with 15-20 hours of basic skills training and connectivity to employers who are struggling to find workers. This gives Carlsbad employers in key industries access to workers they may not have previously considered, at no cost.

There is no obligation to hire a candidate through the Job-Readiness Room. But we do ask that employers who participate guarantee to provide interviews for a limited number of candidates. Employers can also opt-in to providing feedback and tracking the success of candidates that come to them via the Job-Readiness Room.

Sign up to participate here!

