On May 1, 2021, residents and businesses of Carlsbad, Del Mar and Solana Beach will have a new default energy provider: Clean Energy Alliance (CEA). CEA, a locally controlled not-for-profit entity also known as a Community Choice Energy program, will offer clean power at competitive rates.

CEA was formed by the cities of Carlsbad, Del Mar and Solana Beach to help meet the goals of each municipality’s Climate Action Plan. The program will be locally managed and available exclusively to residents and businesses within the three cities. The program is governed by the CEA Board of Directors, made up of elected officials from each city.

How it works

CEA buys electricity and San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) continues to deliver it to your home. Local control over buying energy allows CEA to make better investments in clean power. SDG&E will continue to handle billing and delivery to homes and businesses.


CEA’s default power supply, Clean Impact Plus, comes from 50% renewable/75% carbon free sources, at a lower cost than SDG&E’s 39% renewable power supply (per SDG&E 2019 Power Content Label).

Because CEA is a locally managed, not-for-profit entity, any excess revenue generated by CEA will be reinvested in the community through innovative energy projects, rebate programs and other incentives.

CEA is designed to empower the local community through local control, clean power, competitive rates, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and more.

By default, customers have the option to opt up to a Green Impact, 100% renewable energy plan or opt down to Clean Impact 50% renewable energy. Customers may also choose to opt out and remain with SDG&E.

For more information on how to opt up or opt out, please visit thecleanenergyalliance.org or call 1-833-232-3110.
