Kathleen McNary
VP of  Member Relations
Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce

Coupons! Get your Coupons here! The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce launched a new platform for members to post coupons, discounts, and special offers on the website for the public or members-only. This grows each member’s visibility, reputation, and opens its doors to a wider audience. Who isn’t always interested in a discount?

Where do these offers live? On the Carlsbad Chamber’s website: www.carlsbad. org > Business Directory > Coupons and Discounts

Why Post a Coupon/Deal/News? Make more sales marketing your business in the portal. Don’t spend money on advertising these special offers. No minimums, no inventory. Easily use the posted coupons and share on your social media to further spread the news.

There is no charge to participate. For members to post a coupon, simply visit the Members Only portal on our website by clicking “Member Login” at the bottom of any Carlsbad.org page, and once logged in click “Add A Coupon”. It’s super easy, but I am also more than happy to help! Please feel free to email me with a coupon you would like to post.
