Grow your business with the Business Resource Committee

A member benefit at the Carlsbad Chamber is the Business Resource Committee which helps members grow their businesses in a meaningful and authentic way.  BRC meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 – 9 am.

The Business Resource Committee is a core committee here at the Carlsbad Chamber that comes together to help each other grow our businesses in a meaningful and authentic way.  We meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30 am for 90 minutes. 

Our monthly agenda includes self-introductions via your 17-second commercial. What is a 17-second commercial, you might ask? That is typically the time frame you have to effectively relate to someone what services or products you offer to solve a problem. The Chamber teaches this in a how-to workshop organized by the Business Resource Committee. The 17-second commercial workshop is a valuable asset as we help you articulate your value in a succinct and professional way. 

Our agenda also includes a “bragging corner” when we have the opportunity to find out from others what and how they’ve experienced working with other Chamber members. 

And like it or not, tools of technology are required to run your business. Each month a useful “tech tip” is offered up by an experienced Chamber member designed to help you more efficiently run your business. 

Then for the last half of the meeting,  we hold a workshop on a topic relevant to your business. The Business Resource Committee has a “sub-committee” that, among other things, is responsible for the development of the speaker topics, and finding the speakers to present the topics throughout the year. Once a year, all Chamber members receive a survey asking you to express your interest in topics to be covered. The topics are ranked, the speakers are sourced, and the workshops are scheduled.

So what stops you from growing your business? We’re here to help with that. Join us on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30 am for 90 minutes of invigorating interconnection targeted at growing your business. To find out more and receive our monthly meeting notices, email [email protected].  Kathy will add you to our distribution list.
