The recent surge in cases fueled by the Delta variant has reintroduced a degree of uncertainty and confusion as we move forward. For most businesses, health order restrictions on businesses have not changed since the state moved “Beyond the Blueprint” in June. Meaning that the majority of businesses do not have any operating restrictions. However, on August 18, the state did announce that proof of vaccination, or a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours before an event starts will be required for indoor gatherings where 1,000 or more participants or spectators are attending, it was previously 5,000 or more participants or spectators.
The state also previously updated its mask guidance, now requiring masks in indoor spaces for unvaccinated people and recommending masks in indoor spaces for vaccinated people. In some settings, like healthcare or public transit, masks are required for everyone. As always, individual businesses may also choose to require masks at their discretion.
The current number of new cases and the percentage of positive tests are rising, currently on par with levels that the County experienced in February, during the last surge. However, unlike February, hospitalization and ICU rates are lower, which means to this point, our health system has not been overloaded. Experts attribute this to the high overall vaccination rate in the county, which is continuing to go up – a positive sign. On August 16, County officials recommended, but not required, that employers require proof of vaccination for employees.
Like previous surges, stemming the current surge will take a community effort. Wearing masks, washing hands, and increasing vaccination rates will help things get back to normal, quicker.
Below are a few programs the city offers to support business recovery.
Carlsbad Cybersecurity-Awareness Program – Cohort 2 Enrollment
The City of Carlsbad is accepting applications for the second cohort of the Cybersecurity Awareness program. After seeing how many major cyber attacks in the news come indirectly through suppliers, for the second cohort, larger Carlsbad businesses can also share the program with their suppliers, even if they aren’t located in the city.
As economic uncertainty continues, business resiliency is imperative. Because of the pandemic, many companies pivoted more of their operations online, from remote work and telecommuting to eCommerce and online marketing. Businesses – especially small businesses – are in vulnerable positions and cannot afford another major impact on their operations. Read more.
The City of Carlsbad is proud to continue its partnership with the Cyber Center of Excellence (CCOE) to assist Carlsbad small businesses in becoming more cybersecurity-aware. At no cost to them, eligible Carlsbad businesses will receive
- A risk assessment that includes areas of vulnerability – provided by Mastercard’s RiskRecon
- Basic cybersecurity-awareness training for up to 100 employees from ESET North America
- A threat landscape analysis from the San Diego FBI Cyber Task Force
Apply here today!
Life in Action Recruiter
Last week the City of Carlsbad launched a new tool, called Life in Action Recruiter – read about it here – to support talent attraction for our innovation economy employers. We are very excited to offer this tool at no cost to Carlsbad employers that are interested in accessing a new talent pool.
Until now, Carlsbad “Life in Action” has been an effective marketing tool showcasing everything the city has to offer in terms of careers, quality of life, and the balance between them. Now we are using the same proven platform to capture talent “leads” that have interest in a new career in Carlsbad. We are collecting resume information, industries of interest, and timeline they are looking to begin a new career, or even relocate to Carlsbad.
No matter where they may be in the country, talented individuals are finding Carlsbad and submitting information to take the next step in their career.
Beginning in September, Carlsbad employers will be able to access this pool of talent, sort & filter by the information they provide, and connect directly with those that might be a fit. If you are interested in this tool when it becomes available, please contact us for more information.
Carlsbad Small Business Loan Program
With lingering uncertainty, the City of Carlsbad understands that many are still feeling the economic impact of the pandemic, and that financial assistance may still be necessary for recovery or to maintain operations.
The Carlsbad Small Business Loan Program provides low-interest loans for small businesses recovering from the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The program includes:
- Micro-loans ($5,000 – $10,000) with a repayment term of up to 30 months
- Small business recovery loans ($10,000 – $50,000) with a repayment term of up to 60 months
- All loans are low-interest and have scaled rates depending on loan repayment schedule
Contact us at [email protected] if you would like to be involved with any of the programs above, or if you have ideas of other ways the city can support economic recovery.