Kindess Challenge

Become A Kindness Certified Company!

Kindness Certified Companies (KCC) are good to their people, community, planet and world.

Expanding upon the success of The Great Kindness Challenge, Kids for Peace  — in partnership with The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce — has launched the Kindness Certified program for businesses. This program is all about recognizing upstanding companies for their commitment to kindness.  And after a difficult 2020, our world needs a re-emphasis on kindness!

Together – with our families, schools, businesses and nonprofit partners – we will bring our community together and propel the kindness movement forward.

Why Become a Kindness Certified Company?

  • Associate your company with higher values and ideals
  • Reinforce your positive branding
  • Improve organizational culture
  • Build relationships and connect with like-minded companies
  • Increase exposure by being featured on the Kids for Peace and Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce websites
  • Attract talent – Who wouldn’t want to work for a Kindness Certified Company?!
  • Gain access to meaningful employee volunteer opportunities
  • Accelerate the kindness movement that started in Carlsbad, CA
  • Receive a Kindness Certified Company seal & certificate to share far and wide

As a Kindness Certified Company, you agree to the following values and aspirations:

    Be Good To Your People

      • Embrace diversity, inclusion and equity
      • Communicate with respect and kind words
      • Celebrate and honor one another

        Support Our Community

          • Make an annual donation of any amount to a nonprofit serving Carlsbad
          • Volunteer for at least one community service project annually

            Be Kind To Our Planet

              • Make environmentally-conscious decisions
              • Take earth-friendly actions

                Create A Better World

                  • Do your part to create a kinder and more compassionate world

                    In return, we will:

                      • Feature all participating companies on Kids for Peace and Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce websites
                      • Recognize all Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce member companies with a special designation in the Member’s Directory
                      • Share a quarterly newsletter volunteer opportunities and helpful resources
                      • Provide meaningful volunteer opportunities for your employees
                      • Organize an annual community-wide service project
                      • Provide a business-focused kindness checklist to be part of the annual Great Kindness Challenge
                      • Provide a Kindness Certified Company seal & certificate to share (hardcopy & electronic)

                      Kindness Certified Companies:

                      Kindly Brought to You by:
