Movember is a movement to help bring awareness to men’s health by growing moustaches in the month of November. Throughout the month the Chamber will be presenting spotlight of Chamber members businesses whose employees are taking part in the campaign.
Sherlock Heating & Air Conditioning are joining others in celebrating Movember, a month dedicated to changing the face of men’s health.
All month long, Sherlock heating & Air Conditioning will be raising awareness about men’s health issues and promote healthy living. And they are asking you to join them, and others, along the way. The company writes:
Air is encouraging their whole HVAC contractor team to grow and manicure mustaches for the month of November. And at the end of the month, they’re going to have some fun in their offices. A vote on the best ‘stache in the bunch. The big winner will receive a cool prize and, of course, life-long bragging rights.
But we’re not having all the fun on our own. We invite all of our customers to join us on social media, where we will be posting photos of the mustaches all month long. You may even be able to spot our winner.
Sherlock Air is donating on behalf of their customers based on your purchases from us and activity on their social media sites.
Check them out on Twitter and Facebook
If you’re a Chamber member and someone in your company is taking part in Movember, we would love to include you in our spotlight. Send your information (and photos) to Scott Peltier, Chamber marketing specialist.
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The Movember Campaign raises awareness and funds for men’s health by getting guys to grow mustaches. By growing mustaches together, taking photos, and sharing, we are all doing something easy and enjoyable that keeps men’s health on our minds, and gets important funds in the hands of people who help fight diseases like prostate cancer. At Sherlock Air, we are participating in Movember in three key ways, all of which connect to the national campaign. We are going to grow, share and donate, and we encourage you to do the same. We have come up with great ways to get all of you in North County San Diego community involved, from joining us on social media to donating on your behalf when you purchase HVAC services from us this month.Sherlock