The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce celebrated all of those members who carved time out of their busy schedules to assist the Chamber with more than 100 meetings and events throughout the year. Chamber members gathered on Friday Dec. 2 for the annual First Friday Volunteer Recognition Breakfast at the Sheraton Carlsbad Resort & Spa. The room was filled with stunning pixie poinsettias, a beautiful Christmas tree, and nearly 100 Chamber members who were excited to hear about the winners. Awards were presented to one member from each of of its committees. Those chosen best exemplify the mission statement of their respective committees. The winners were: Ambassador Committee Member of the Year: Maureen Simons   Business Resource Committee Member of the Year: Jani Jackson Education Committee Member of the Year: Timothy Baird, Ed.D       Government Affairs Committee Member of the Year: Catherine Magaña     Ready Carlsbad Business Alliance Member of the Year: Jeff Segall           Sustainability Committee Member of the Year: Lisa Rodman Technology Committee Member of the Year: Ken May 2016 Committee Chair of the Year: Ahmed Haque 2016 Rookie of the Year: Jani Jackson 2016 Chamber Champion: Amber Ter-Vrugt     2016 Chamber Champion: John Osborne 2016 Chamber Champion: Josh Mazur The Go-Giver Award: Catherine Magaña     Lifetime Commitment to Service Award: Lee Sterling Scare Away Hunger Peanut Butter Drive Award: Paula Anderson It’s an honor and a privilege to work beside each of these volunteers. They deserve so much more, but a little recognition goes a long way. Congratulations to each of the winners. If you are a member and interested in serving on one of the Chamber committees, please contact the Chamber office at (760) 931-8400. To view pictures of the event click here.
