Committed to making global changes to our planet

Sparkle Fresh
Sparkle Freshness is a full-service cleaning company, offering environmentally safe and all-natural cleaning services to businesses in North County and San Diego.

Who we are

Locally owned and operated, Sparkle Freshness is also a women-owned business. We are hands-on in the day-to-day activities, provide a true partnership, and are known to treat you like family. When describing our service and work, we are often referred to as the silent team member you really appreciate and never get to see. We’re not in business just to be in business, our business is a catalyst for leadership, connection, purpose, and developing the mindset to live our best life. We wholeheartedly love people and love what we do! We say elevating your environment and the environment profoundly contributes to your own experience of well-being and living your best life. Our mission is to connect, inspire and empower people in living their best life! What we see are businesses giving and contributing more to their community, the environment, society, and the world than they take. We see a global awakening where all of humanity is making their unique difference and changing the world. We are leaders in a movement of significant change that impacts companies and the way we do business with love, joy, connection, inclusion, sustainability, care, and power. We promise to always put ourselves in our client’s shoes and do the right thing, and that our mission is the heartbeat of our company. We are uncompromising about living true and when working with us you’ll experience the Sparkle Effect!

Why Green Products

“Many Carlsbad businesses are drawn to us because we use clean ingredients. Naturally, we have those who are worried about the level of clean you can get being green,” Barneburg said. “To help inform, on the proven power of using non-toxic materials, we offer insight on how these small and sustainable cleaning substitutes stand up to harsh chemicals, so we’re not only helping them ensure a clean and safe working environment,  we’re educating people on how easy it is to adopt these changes in their businesses and their homes. Many cleaning products and conventional cleaners are extremely toxic. Using Eco-friendly products can help to improve your overall indoor air quality and thus contribute to reducing certain health risks, such as: chemical poisoning, skin irritations, and eye and respiratory infections.  Green cleaning products reduce the unnecessary use of harmful “antibacterial” agents and are safer for our clients, employees, animals, and the environment. Green cleaning products are made using sustainable manufacturing practices and naturally derived, safe, non-toxic, and biodegradable ingredients that don’t negatively impact the environment. On the other hand, some conventional cleaning products contain ingredients that are toxic, hazardous, non-biodegradable, and nonrenewable resources like petroleum, so they adversely affect the earth’s ecosystems. 

We only use the highest quality, non-toxic, environmentally friendly cleaning products to avoid exposing our customers to harmful cleaning chemicals. Green cleaning is much more than using a few chemicals that have been labeled as “green”. Green cleaning is also a system of cleaning that is less detrimental to the environment and also promotes a healthy environment for where we live and work. By using our green solutions, we provide safer cleaning methods, non-toxic cleaning products, and more efficient cleaning equipment and we reduce our waste. There are many health benefits to using non-toxic chemicals that can make a difference in your wellbeing.

How we reduce our carbon footprint and help make the world better. 

Being consciously aware of our environment is not enough. Sparkle Freshness is committed to making global changes to our planet and our local communities and not just using green products, recycling properly, and reducing waste. Participating in our local beach clean-up and preventing toxic chemicals from landing in our oceans is a no-brainer.  We also offset our carbon footprint. We have trees planted in our clients’ names. We have had over seven thousand trees planted by The Canopy Project and The San Diego River Park Foundation. Giving back to our community and other non-profit organizations is a big part of what we do. We encourage our employees and their families to volunteer their time and efforts in projects they care about that help their local community and causes. 

Visit us at for more information.
