Support the Beating Heart of Our Economy This Holiday Season

The festive season in Carlsbad is always a sight to behold. The Village comes alive with twinkling lights and vibrant holiday banners, and the whole city has an unmistakable buzz of anticipation. While the convenience of online shopping and the allure of big-box retailers might be tempting for many, there’s a compelling case to be made for directing our holiday dollars toward our local businesses.

Every dollar we spend in a local store does more than just exchange hands; it has a multiplier effect on our community. This isn’t just about benefiting the business owner. Local businesses often source their products and services from other local providers. This means that a single purchase can support multiple Carlsbad enterprises. Additionally, these businesses provide jobs to local residents and contribute significantly to our tax base, which in turn funds essential services and infrastructure that all residents rely on. What makes Carlsbad truly special is the unique character and charm of our local businesses. Our small businesses, ranging from quaint boutiques to inviting coffee shops and eateries, define our town’s identity.

It’s worth noting that a staggering 98% of all businesses in Carlsbad are small businesses. When we choose to shop local, we’re not just buying a product or service. We’re investing in the creativity, passion, and entrepreneurial spirit that has always been the hallmark of our community. Remember that our small business owners are our neighbors, friends, and fellow community members. They have a deep understanding of our needs, culture, and preferences often translating into unparalleled customer service. Moreover, local stores’ unique and high-quality products make for truly special holiday gifts that loved ones will cherish. Together, local businesses account for thousands of jobs in Carlsbad.

Your support of a Carlsbad small business ensures job security for many fellow residents and could even pave the way for new employment opportunities. It’s also heartening to see how these businesses give back to the community, whether it’s by sponsoring local events, supporting our schools, or contributing to charitable causes. An added benefit is that shopping locally can also have environmental benefits as we reduce the carbon footprint associated with the delivery of goods purchased online.

Many of our local businesses also prioritize sustainable and ethical practices, adding another reason to support them. Finally, the city also strives to support our local businesses. It may look a little different than holiday shopping, but as we strive to further bolster Carlsbad’s vibrant business landscape, understanding the challenges and opportunities our businesses face is crucial. To this end, our biennial business survey is live! This every-other-year initiative aims to gather insights directly from our business community, offering a platform to voice concerns, share aspirations, and play a role in shaping Carlsbad’s economic future. We strongly encourage every business to participate in this endeavor. To do so, visit

So as you draft your holiday shopping list this year, reflect on the profound impact of your choice to spend locally. Let’s rally together, celebrate Carlsbad’s uniqueness, and ensure a prosperous future for all our cherished local businesses. Here’s to a joyous holiday season!
