By Deb Beddoe Chairman of the Board Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce 

The Carlsbad Chamber Board of Directors took a stand in support of, or opposed to, some of the measures on the ballot this month. As a member, you should care that we are taking a stand, and here is why:
  1. The easiest thing for us to do would be to remain neutral. But sometimes the easy way is not the right way, and sometimes the right way is not the easy way.
  2. By discussing the topics openly and with a measure of respect for each others point of view, we are able to evaluate the pros and cons of the issues from many perspectives before deciding what is in your best interest.
  3. Taking a stand means that we are held accountable to do the research and ask the tough questions about why the issues are beneficial or detrimental to the business community.
  4. At our Board meetings, we hear a lot of information from elected officials, city personnel, community agencies, and other organizations that can provide first-hand information about the background of the issues. Sometimes, what is heard “through the grapevine” is taken out of context, is embellished, or is just not factual. By getting the information first-hand, we are able to cut through the misinformation and make a decision based on information that is not discussed through the grapevine.
  5. Taking a stand and speaking as an organization brings a greater impact to our legislators than one individual acting alone. Our success as an organization to create a favorable business climate in Carlsbad is dependent on the strength of our members, which means that your membership is important to us.
  6. The State of California is regarded as one of the least business friendly states in the nation.  We have an obligation to you to hold our legislators accountable to moderate and reasonable approaches to business legislation.
  7. If we didn’t take a stand, then we would stand for nothing, which is not what your Chamber membership is about.
While the Chamber does not endorse or support specific candidates, it is our job to research, report, and take a stand on the issues. For more information, please click here. You may not always agree with our decisions, and that is OK. In fact it is great. Because it shows that you also are doing your thoughtful research to come to your own conclusions. Being on different sides of an issue doesn’t make us enemies, it just means we are Americans, enjoying our freedom, and practicing the principles and values on which our country was founded. Taking a stand is just the right thing to do.
