Women’s Business Energy On The Rise

Jess Levy
Marketing & Communications Manager
Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce

October is National Women’s Small Business Month and a great time to recognize the achievements of our city’s female entrepreneurs and the positive impact they make on our local economy. When we look at the numbers, 11.6 million women-owned businesses in the U.S., generating over $1.7 trillion and creating jobs to employ 9 million people, it’s no surprise the positive contributions women bring by building and owning a business. 

Did you know, over the past year San Diego was named one of the top 5 cities nationwide for starting a women-owned micro-business?! According to a recent study by GoDaddy Venture Forward, a multi-year research initiative that studies the impact of micro-businesses on local economies, measured what is fueling the increase in women-owned business. They found that ,“Women are responsible for over half (54.3%) of new micro-business starts since the onset of the pandemic, a jump of 10% versus pre-pandemic levels.”

Venture Forward’s Alexandra Rosen, Senior Director says, “For each everyday entrepreneur, two or more jobs are created in a community. Supporting local female entrepreneurs not only makes our communities thrive, but their businesses enable more economic opportunity and prosperity.” As a Carlsbad native, I know first-hand that these businesses, just like our one-of-a-kind Mexican food, local artwork, beach sunsets and cafes are what drive our city. 

In uncertain and inflation times, one thing is for certain. The workforce is in constant change. If being a business owner is tough in regular times, then any successful leader must hold onto their WHY behind the business, which helps them move through uncertainty. I askedCarlsbad Chamber members what it means to be a women-owned business and their answers’ were deeply personal and illustrated the need for satisfying intrinsic motivators. 

At The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, we are proud to have such a diverse membership with women-owned businesses spanning across multiple industries including finance, food, retail, digital, health and beyond. If you’re a newer business and haven’t yet registered, the U.S. SBA offers self-certification at no-cost to be a Women-Owned Business by visiting

But how can I help? Holiday season is around the corner and there’s no better time than to increase your support for community-first, women-owned businesses. Buy from local shops or hire female entrepreneurs for those specialty services you’re looking to fill. 

Whether you want to support women-owned restaurants or female-led retail, fashion, health and wellness brands, spend those extra dollars at businesses run by inspiring women blazing a new trail forward for themselves, their families, and young professionals. These women are fueling more innovation into our storefronts, neighborhoods, and in our hearts. Watch these women rewrite the traditional 9-5 work script, raise a family, define success on their own terms, achieve it by their own rules, and build a life with great meaning.  They are truly inspiring role models for generations to come. 

“If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room.”—Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop

 For those looking for a sign to pursue your business idea, the data has it, now’s the best time to start. And the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce is here for you when you do. 
