Your life is not a rehearsal—are you paying attention?
Justin Peek
Wow, a strong title to a “Business Spotlight,” right? I was invited to write this by the Carlsbad Chamber and it’s going to be about you. I believe you’ll be inspired to do a few things to improve your life.And, I have a gift for you that you may download with the QR code. It’s a book that is currently retailing for $15 on Amazon. It’s authored by a friend in England, for which I wrote the foreword and have permissions. There’s no info to fill in and no cost to download. Just get your free copy before I lock the webpage next month.
My wise business coach once said, “Justin, knowing something doesn’t change your life–doing something does!” Let’s “do some doing”, as I may only have your attention for a few moments, and I want you to believe you received something of real value.
Please grab a pen and paper and write down the four most important things in your life in order of importance. Mine reads—family, purpose, health, and business. Now take a little more time and put your list in the order of where you currently spend the most time.
What did you notice? If your order didn’t change, congratulations! That’s special. You’re ready for some upper-level stuff on life and money that I can’t even begin to get into here. However, if you’re like most of us, your order changed.
Did you feel any emotions if they mismatched? That is your internal Jiminy Cricket sounding the alarm bell (my family just watched the new Pinocchio recently). Listen to him! You discovered a misalignment in your life and that is vital to know. This will impact your finances down the road, rest assured.
Speaking of finances, I should introduce myself properly. My name is Justin Peek, and I am a Certified Financial Planner™ professional with 19 years in practice and owner of
PEEK WEALTH—a client Utopia here in your very own Carlsbad. We attract clients who recognize that time and life trump treasure, purpose trumps purchases, and values trump future valuations. You can learn about PEEK WEALTH at
In Bronnie Ware’s The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, it literally breaks my heart that the biggest regrets of the dying are wishes to have lived truer to oneself, not having worked so hard, having courage to express feelings, staying in better touch with friends, and allowing oneself to be happy. That’s NOT an ideal life.
Why are we going there, you ask? Sounds a bit morbid? I told you in my title! I want you to pay attention and I want you to recognize that life’s not a rehearsal no matter how busy, hardworking, retired, or wealthy you are. Precious time is all we have, and money and wishes don’t buy more.
I’ll leave you with one question to chew on for a while. It’s one of three created by George Kinder, a legend and informal mentor in the financial planning world. In the meantime, call us at PEEK WEALTH if you’d like to join our client family or explore questions two and three!
Q1: I want you to imagine that you are financially secure, that you have enough money to take care of your needs, now and in the future. The question is, how would you live your life? What would you do with the money? Would you change anything? Let yourself go. Don’t hold back your dreams. Describe a life that is complete, that is richly yours—that is your ideal life.—