The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce is committed to act as a regional economic catalyst, leadership convener and community champion.  We just released our 2019 Annual Impact Report:

Economic Catalyst:

  • 5,857 Twitter Followers
  • 5,416 Facebook Followers
  • 1,906 Instagram Followers
  • 1,356 LinkedIn Followers
  • 80,000 Carlsbad Business Journals published
  • 25,000 City Maps published
  • 2,500 Business Directories published
  • 3,082,479 Web Pages visited
  • 379,492 Website visitors
  • 157,578 Unique Website visitors
  • 426 Printed Articles on Member’s Businesses
  • 74 Networking Events hosted
  • 10 Young Professional Events
  • 37 Ribbon Cuttings at member businesses
  • 64 Committee Meetings
  • 20 Workshops hosted

Leadership Convener:

  • 500 State of the Community attendees
  • 300 CBAD Awards attendees
  • 8 Different Committees

Community Champion:

  • 200,000 Carlsbad Village Street Faire visitors
  • $10,000 Raised for charity
  • 300 Toys Wrapped for Boys & Girls club
  • 10 Businesses honored @ CBAD Awards
  • 16 High School Seniors honored
  • 13 Candidate Academy graduates
  • 3 Disaster Prep Symposiums hosted
Click here to see full details.
