Joint Communication to Carlsbad Businesses Regarding COVID-19 #18

This week has seen a lot of changes for businesses. Updated state and county industry guidance and health orders, a fee holiday for outdoor activations in Carlsbad, and the launching of Gift Carlsbad – a shop local program – means a lot of changes and potential new opportunities for many of our businesses. We hope the information below is helpful as businesses navigate reopening and resume some operations

Updated County Guidance – Effective Tuesday, September 1

As mentioned in Joint Communication #17, updated state guidance went into effect on Monday, August 31, allowing many industries to resume some portion of indoor operations.

On Tuesday, September 1, the county released an updated health order (recent updates are highlighted) that builds upon the state’s recent order. While industry guidance is largely the same, there are a few key differences:

Every business in the following sectors shall require all customers who receive services indoors or use indoor facilities to sign in with their name and telephone number:
  • Hair Salons & Barbershops
  • Personal Care Services
  • Gyms & Fitness Centers
  • Restaurants, Wineries, Bars, Breweries, and Distilleries (where meal is provided)
All restaurants, bars, wineries, distilleries and breweries, which are allowed to provide indoor service pursuant to the State of California Dine-in Restaurant Guidance shall comply with the following additional requirements applicable only to persons dining indoors:

  • Limiting persons sitting at a table to members of the same household is strongly encouraged.
  • The restaurant shall obtain the name of each guest seated at a table and the telephone number of at least one guest and shall maintain the list of names and telephone numbers for three weeks.
  • Guests will be required to wear face coverings at all times while in the facility, including when seated at a table before the meal is served and after the meal is finished
A religious service or cultural ceremony including a wedding ceremony is allowed provided the State Guidance on Places of Worship and Providers of Religious Services and Cultural Ceremonies is followed. However, a wedding reception is considered a gathering and is therefore not allowed.

Outdoor protests in which participants maintain social distancing and wear face coverings at all times are allowed.

Fee Holiday for Outdoor Activation
Even as some businesses resume some indoor operations, studies show that being outdoors provides a safer environment. As such, the City of Carlsbad has further
reduced barriers for businesses to be able to activate  outdoor space for operations.

Carlsbad was one of the first cities in the region to allow outdoor activations, creating a quick and easy process for businesses to activate private parking lots and public
sidewalks. On July 28, the city relaxed standards for curb cafés, allowing restaurants to use public parking spots for outdoor dining.

Through continued dialogue with businesses, the Chamber and the Carlsbad Village Association, it became clear that the fees charged for Right of Way permits (sidewalk
and curb café activations) were a significant barrier to moving operations outdoors.

As a result, on Tuesday, September 1, the Carlsbad City Council approved a fee holiday for permit fees related to outdoor activation. Whether temporary or long-term,
businesses that wish to use the Right of Way for activation, won’t be charged a fee.

The fee holiday is retroactive to March 1, 2020, meaning businesses that were charged a fee since that date, will be reimbursed. The fee holiday extends through February 28,
2021 or through the end of the COVID-19 emergency declaration, whichever is longer.

Any business that is currently operating or is planning to operate outdoors should apply for the appropriate permit here. The outdoor activation team is working quickly to get
businesses through the process as fast as possible.

Gift Carlsbad
This was not a typical Carlsbad summer. In addition to businesses being limited in their ability to operate, the city also had fewer visitors than normal. Many of our businesses, especially restaurants, retailers, hotels, and service providers, rely on these visitors to maximize their revenues.

To provide additional relief, the city is happy to sponsor Gift Carlsbad, a shop local program designed to generate  revenue to Carlsbad businesses. The Carlsbad Chamber
of Commerce, Carlsbad Village Association, and Visit Carlsbad have come together to develop the program, which is active through September.

Each time a customer buys an eGift Card through the online marketplace, a bonus card will be issued as well. When a customer buys a $25 eGift Card, they will receive a
bonus $5 eGift Card. When a customer buys a $40 eGift card, they will receive a bonus $10 eGift Card. Funds flow to Carlsbad businesses quickly after purchase, meaning
relief comes now.

Any Carlsbad business can participate.
The online marketplace and easy redemption means contactless payment and an easy enrollment process. Sign up at today. Chamber staff and CVA staff are guiding businesses through the signup process.

Labor Day Weekend
Labor Day means the unofficial last weekend of the summer season. Even this year, we anticipate a busy weekend, especially as inland temperatures are expected to be above 100 degrees. We hope that visitors bolster our restaurants, service providers, and retailers.

With the anticipated influx of people, we are asking for your help. Please remind customers that observing COVID-19 safety protocols will ensure our residents, employees, and fellow guests stay safe so that our businesses can stay open. Linked here is a resource toolkit, including flyers, signs, and digital media. If helpful, please use them to remind customers that masks are required while out and about in Carlsbad, and that keeping six feet apart and washing hands often are essential to keep business reopenings moving in the right direction. #STAYSAFESTAYOPEN

We are glad that our city and county are moving in the right direction and hope we continue on a path to greater reopening. Thank you for your determination and resilience. Good luck on a safe Labor Day weekend
