Meet Keith Blackburn District 2 Candidate

Keith Blackburn
Facebook: @Keith4Carlsbad
Twitter: @keith4carlsbad
Instagram: N/A

Why are you running for office?

Carlsbad council members, for many years, have built our city to be the envy of the county. My only motivation for continuing to serve on our city council is to protect and enhance what my predecessors have accomplished.

What does a strong local economy look like to you? How would you encourage it and promote it?

Carlsbad enjoys a very diversified source of revenue. Through property tax, hotel tax (TOT), and sales tax we are able to remain financially strong. This fiscal strength allows Carlsbad to provide our residents with quality of life benefits, such as open space, parks, libraries, well maintained roads, and police and fire protection.

What are you going to do to encourage the creation of affordable workforce housing for businesses?

I have shared ideas about workforce housing with a local employer who employs many service industry employees. The benefits include providing affordable housing to employees, reduce traffic from commuting from other cities, which will reduce traffic and automobile pollution.

Identify 3 unique problems that your district is facing now.

Traffic: Traffic congestion affects everyone’s quality of life. I have championed updated traffic signal technology, when complete, will reduce red light wait time by 1/3.

Crime: Our police officers are the best trained and have the best equipment. Unfortunately, with early release of prisoners, and shifting parole responsibilities to local counties, I fear there may be a rise in crime. I will continue to provide our police with the resources they need to keep Carlsbad safe.

Homelessness: We have all noticed increases in homelessness. Carlsbad has developed a homeless outreach team, led by five police personnel who work closely with social workers. They work diligently with our homeless residents, one at a time, to identify why each individual is homeless and how they can be sheltered. The police and social workers have found creative ideas to help many of our homeless, and will continue to provide these services.

What are ways in which you will collaborate and work together with neighboring cities?

One of the many benefits to working for our city for over 33 years, is that I have built institutional knowledge and formed relationships with neighboring community leaders. I have developed a good working relationship with council members throughout our county, serving with them on regional boards such as the County Water Authority, NC Joint Dispatch, and Encina Wastewater.
