Why Heat Pumps are a Great Idea for your Business

San Diego Gas & ElectricIn California, most greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions (45%) are from the transportation sector. The next largest source, approximately 24%, comes from buildings that rely on the combustion of natural gas to generate heat. So, to cut GHGs and push towards a zero-emissions future, adopting heat pumps for space and water heating could be a significant step.  

Heat pumps don’t rely on combustion to work. Instead, they use electricity and refrigerants to move heat from one area to another; making them more efficient and safer than their gas counterparts. Today’s heat pumps are typically over 100% efficient.   

Heat pump space heaters work similarly to heat pump water heaters, moving heat rather than creating it with combustion. Today’s systems are more sophisticated, so it pays to use an experienced contractor. A properly designed and installed heat pump space heater provides steady, even temperatures, with little or no noise at a much higher efficiency than any combustion-based system can.   

Energy policy conversation in California includes replacing gas water heaters with heat pump water heaters and replacing gas furnaces with heat pumps for space heating. They’re a perfect solution in regions with small heating loads like most of California. Heat pumps are poised to be the heating solution for buildings and are front and center in efforts to reduce GHG emissions.

Learn about energy-saving programs at sdge.com/small-commercial-program. For more information on heat pump water heaters, visit energystar.gov.
